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9ms · Artist Feature  

Florian König and Simon Popp from 9ms visited the On Guitars workshop to explore the percussive side of the "Dohle" model. They mix the pure direct signal of the instrument with their fat, dripping beats to create a pulsating and engaging sound experience.

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9 ms

The Munich duo 9ms, Simon Popp and Florian König, reconcile the acoustic with the electric world. Using various infrared and magnetic field sensors, the two drummers translate their movements into control voltages that they can use to control and alter synthesizers and a variety of effects such as tape echoes and reverberators. This adds a playful element to the interplay between man and machine.

The duo's name alludes to the maximum tolerable latency in such a hybrid system that still allows for musical communication. Despite the minimalist setup used for their recordings, the sonic versatility of their music matches the wide dynamic range of Popp and König's drumming.

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